Ganga Aarti at Haridwar

Factored in some time for the evening prayers (conducted daily) at Har-ki-Pauri  when I overnight-ed at Rishikesh on my way to Garhwal this summer. It seemed, so had the entire world…and its uncle. Though it took me well over an hour to make the 15 kms between the two spiritual centres, it was worth every minute of the muggy June evening.

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Hope this glimpse tempts you into a visit, for images do the brightly lit spectacle little justice. Loud, incessant chants, aromatic incense, fresh flowers, beating cymbals, floating diyas, devoted crowds; all lend themselves to a remarkable yet indescribable experience.


  • Excellence and class…., as one expects from you….I particularly love the photo with a Nokia board in the background..

    • Thanks Chat. I hope I continue to deliver in the same fashion 🙂
      That pic is one of my favourites, too. The board caught my eye as the sun went down; just managed to capture the simian silhouettes before they bounded off.

  • Brings back memories of 30 years ago… when my father was posted at Raiwala cantonment. Raiwala lies exactly mid-way between Haridwar and Rishikesh. Needless to say, the ghats were much less crowded when I used to go there as a 10-year old!

    • My visit coincided with the Char Dham Yatra. That might explain the throngs. In contrast, the one at the ashram in Rishikesh where I stayed was really tame.

    • Capt. Anil Kumar Gupta

      Does “FIFTY FIRST” sound any bells!!!!!!

      • Fifty First Mountain Regiment… most certainly it rings a bell and also brings back many memories Capt. Gupta, for my father was commanding that regiment from ’81-’83 when he passed away. Surely you have an association too for you to have brought up the mention, which unfortunately I’m not aware of because all that happened a long time ago…

        • Capt. Anil Kumar Gupta

          FIFTY FIRST brings back memories of the past not only for you but for me as well. I joined FIFTY FIRST as a YO in Aug ’82 and was honoured to be guided by your father till his untimely demise in 1983. I remember those days very vividly. I spent my entire tenure of five years with FIFTY FIRST before opting out in 1987. Those five years have always remained the best years of my life. We need to recollect more…call me at 09816075144.

          • It is wonderful to know all that you mentioned, and that you were associated with my father in his last months. Indeed, I too look back at those years as the best ones in my life…

            I have a faint memory of a party in the mess where young Second Lieutenant(s) were welcomed into the unit and one of the ceremonies was for them to be seated on one knee and drink a cocktail out of a really huge bowl. I wonder if you had anything to do with it. Can’t say with certainty if that actually happened 31 years ago or if memory is playing tricks!

            Will call you soon, or else you call me at your convenience, My number is 9814705705.

            Puneet, I guess this is one of the rare occasions when you don’t have much to add to a conversation 🙂 But may I thank you for playing a role in renewing an old contact, one which I didn’t even know about the existence of!

          • You’re right, Rajnish, am rendered quite speechless! Indeed, thank you for including me in the conversation 😉

            You should know this accidental ‘matchmaking’ is not a first for the good Captain, here at Cutting Loose. Perhaps he will share that story in person, now that you’ve exchanged co-ordinates. Right, Anil?

  • This has been on my bucket list for so long! Nice photos, btw.

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  • Capt. Anil Kumar Gupta

    Right, Puneet. I will definitely share the Rukhla episode with Rajnish. While I was away for some time, Rajnish has taken a lead in thanking you. Thanks once again. Keep up the ‘match making’. Regards….

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